Tuesday 4 September 2012

Floss your teeth and reduce the risk of gingivitis............

Going health today,oral hygiene has become of utmost importance,especially after ma tooth extraction which was uneventful.

Do you know that brushing your teeth is important for oral health, but your toothbrush can't do it all.

You can scrub all the reachable surfaces of your teeth but some areas are impossible for a toothbrush to get at.

Food  also gets caught between your teeth  and  film of bacteria can harden becoming plaque if you don't remove it ,this plaque can become a hard mineral deposit called tartar.

Tartar on your teeth will only be eliminated by a dental professional. If tartar isn't dealt with it can make cleaning between your teeth hard to accomplish.

This can also result to the tissue of your gums can swelling  and bleeding especially while brushing or during mastication. This experience I can tell you can be unbearable as this  is the early phase of gum disease called gingivitis.

You can improve this picture between dental visits by flossing your teeth.


Dental floss is made of either a bundle of thin nylon filaments or a plastic Teflon or polyethylene or a silk ribbon used to remove food and dental plaque from teeth.

 The floss is gently inserted between the teeth and scraped along the teeth sides, especially close to the gums.

 This removes interproximal dental plaque which is plaque that accumulates between your teeth.


Flossing can also polish the surfaces of your teeth, and reduce bad breath.
You should be sure to brush your teeth twice a day. Hopkinsmedicine.org recommends that you floss for two or three minutes, at least once a day.

You can floss before you brush, or floss afterwards. Don't use a segment of dental floss more than one time. It can fray and get stuck between your teeth. It can also put bacteria back in your mouth.

Take an 18 inch long piece of floss, wrapped around a finger on either hand, holding it between your thumbs and index fingers. Glide the floss back and forth between your teeth.

Curve the floss in the shape of a C when you get to the gumline, and slide it between your teeth. Hold the floss against the side of your tooth, and slide it up and down, away from your gum.


Give this treatment to each of your teeth, to the front and the back side of each one.
Most dental floss is made with plastic monofilaments or nylon filaments. Some types of dental floss are flavored, for instance with mint.

Dental floss comes in waxed and unwaxed, flavored and unflavored. It can be regular or wide, smooth or textured.

Waxed dental floss is the better choice if you have gotten unwaxed dental floss stuck between your teeth before. If you have trouble flossing you can use a number of different flossing tools such as a floss holder or prethreaded flosser.

Whichever type your prefer, they can all be effective. The most important factor is that you do it regularly and consistently to avoid chronic gum infection.

Have for yourselves a healthy September................

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