Monday 18 June 2012

Banana.........all time yummie fruit

Banana is one of the oldest and best-known fruits in the world. It is a delicious and seedless fruit which readily available in all seasons and at an affordable price.

It comes in different sizes and colours (green, yellow, and red) and is naturally sealed against bacteria and other forms of contaminations.

The nutritional values of banana cannot be overemphasised as its values cuts across energy-giving, tissue-building, protein supply, vitamins and minerals. Banana is richer in solid minerals and low in water content than any other fresh fruits. The sugar content is easily absorbed making it a good source of energy.

What’s not to like about a fruit that comes gift-wrapped and is packed with nutrients that lead to good health and fat loss?

Banana constitue almost a balanced diet when taken with milk. It has a high-grade protein, which includes three of the essential amino acids. In otherwords, banana and milk supplement each otehr and provides all the needed nutirents to the body.

Banana has been know to promote healthy digestion and create a feeling of youthfulness. It helps promote the retention of calcium phosphorous and nitrogen all of which work together to build sound and regenreated tissues. It contains invert sugar which aids youthful growth and metabolism.

It is also used as a dietary food agianst intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and can be eaten without distress in chronic ulcer cases, constipation, diarrhea, arthritis, gout, anaemia, overweight, kidney disorder and allergies.

However, those who have kidney failuer should avoid banana because of its high potassium contents. Banana also gives immediate reliefs to burns and wounds when mashed into fine paste and spread over the burns and wounds.

The tender leaves of banana trees can also form a cool dressing for inflammation and blisters.                       
All pics: Googleimage

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